China’s Xi urges world to reject ‘Cold War mentality’ on Taiwan, Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday called on the world to reject a “Cold War mentality” over Taiwan and Ukraine, as he made his most extensive comments to date on the two flashpoints in global security..

Xi’s comments, made in a video address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, came amid heightened tensions between China and the United States over Taiwan, a self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its own territory..

The United States has repeatedly warned China against using force to take control of Taiwan, and has increased its military presence in the region in recent months..

Xi said that China was “firmly opposed to any separatist attempts” in Taiwan, and that it would “resolutely safeguard” its sovereignty and territorial integrity..

He also called on the international community to “respect China’s core interests” and to “avoid creating new divisions or confrontation.”.

On Ukraine, Xi said that China supported a “peaceful resolution” to the conflict, and called for dialogue and negotiation between Russia and Ukraine..

He also said that China was “deeply concerned” about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and that it was providing humanitarian assistance to the country..

Xi’s comments on Taiwan and Ukraine were closely watched by analysts, who said they provided some insight into China’s foreign policy thinking..

“Xi’s speech was notable for its emphasis on China’s opposition to a ‘Cold War mentality,’” said Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asia Program at the German Marshall Fund. “This suggests that China is increasingly concerned about the risk of a new Cold War between the United States and its allies.”.

“Xi’s comments on Ukraine were more cautious, but he did call for a peaceful resolution to the conflict,” Glaser said. “This suggests that China is not interested in taking sides in the conflict, but it is also concerned about the potential for the conflict to escalate.”.

Xi’s speech comes at a time of heightened tensions between China and the United States. The two countries have been clashing over a range of issues, including trade, technology, and human rights..

The Biden administration has taken a tough stance on China, and has called on its allies to join it in countering China’s growing influence..

China has accused the United States of trying to contain its rise, and has warned that it will not tolerate any interference in its internal affairs..

The tensions between China and the United States are likely to continue in the coming months, and Xi’s speech suggests that China is not willing to back down from its positions on Taiwan and Ukraine..

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