Toronto Fashion Incubator receives grant for post-pandemic recovery

Toronto Fashion Incubator receives grant for post-pandemic recovery

The Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI) revealed on Thursday that it has secured a substantial grant of $148,300 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). 

Toronto Fashion Incubator receives grant for post-pandemic recovery. – Toronto Fashion Incubator

The grant is expected to aid TFI in recovering from the adverse effects of Covid-19 and strengthening its resilience. Specifically, the funds will be allocated towards enhancing TFI’s capabilities in fundraising and sponsorship endeavors. This strategic investment will enable TFI to sustain its crucial role in providing ongoing support and mentorship to fashion entrepreneurs in Toronto.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation, and Spadina-Fort York MPP Chris Glover announced the grant at the Spring Networking Event, hosted at TFI’s studio in Exhibition Place.

“I’m glad to hear Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI) is receiving the Resilient Communities Fund grant,” said Glover. “TFI is the world’s first fashion incubator, inspiring 35 cities around the world to adopt their successful model of supporting early to mid-stage entrepreneurs. They’ve supported the creation of over 18,000 jobs providing start-ups with access to the expertise, tools, and connections they need to achieve and sustain success. Empowering TFI in supporting the community is essential as we strive for an Ontario with a thriving fashion ecosystem.”

TFI provides early to mid-stage fashion entrepreneurs access to the expertise, tools and connections needed to achieve and sustain success. Its wide range of valuable resources include expert-led mentoring, educational webinars, networking events, e-lists, guidebooks, and funding source listings.

TFI also offers innovative programs such as Showroom Canada, a virtual trade show for Canadian brands, Fashion Your Future, an online start-up program for racialized and other equity-deserving individuals living in underserved communities, and subsidized work space and industry equipment for designers enrolled in its Resident program.

“The pandemic had a significant impact on non-profits, including TFI. It was a challenging time for organizations around the world, and uncertainty about the future was a concern. We are committed to continuing our work and finding ways to adapt to the changing landscape,” added Susan Langdon, executive director, Toronto Fashion Incubator. 

“TFI is extremely grateful to the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Province of Ontario for providing our non-profit with Resilient Communities Funding. The grant will enable TFI to better prepare for the future, ultimately advancing Toronto’s thriving fashion ecosystem.”

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